Retalls (17.9.19)

Absolutely No Mercy’: Leaked Files Expose How China Organized Mass Detentions of Muslims. Chris Buckley. The New York Times

The students booked their tickets home at the end of the semester, hoping for a relaxing break after exams and a summer of happy reunions with family in China’s far west. (...)

Do The Irish Want Unification. Simon Kuper. Financial Times.

I’ve come back from three recent trips to Ireland marvelling: this is what a grown-up country looks like. A giant, potentially divisive issue comes along — the sudden prospect of a united Ireland, a republican dream since long before Irish partition in 1921 — and instead of treating it as a winner-take-all, biff-bang argument as in certain countries one could mention, almost all Irish seem determined to move slowly, seriously and fairly (...)

Qué factores están detrás de la irrupción electoral de Vox? Francesc Amat.

La aparición de Vox en la escena política española ha suscitado todo tipo de reacciones. Hay quien ha visto en la irrupción de un partido de derecha radical un signo de 'europeización' de España: nos pasa lo mismo que pasa en tantos países europeos. Antes de sacar conclusiones precipitadas, es interesante analizar la cuestión con más detenimiento.(...)

The World America Made. Robert Kagan. Vintage. Pàg. 40-44

“The configuration of power and ideas in any international system invariably affects the form of government of nations within that system. Contrast the fate of democratic movements in the late twentieth century with that of the liberal revolutions that swept across Europe in 1848. (…)

Britain and the United States. George Friedman. Geopolitical Futures.

The United States and Britain have agreed to sign a trade agreement by next July, The Sun newspaper reported on Monday. The accuracy of the story is not yet clear, but for Britain, leaving the European Union and building a closer trade relationship with the United States, and therefore with North America, follows geopolitical logic. (...)